U CAN-CER VIVE Foundation and Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels are partnering this year to make Valentine’s Day SO special! Each year, U CAN-CER VIVE delivers hundreds of UR My Valentine Teddy Bear Packages to our local Michigan hospitals as a way of giving back to those in need of a smile. This collaboration allows us to provide port-accessible tie-dye shirts and mindfulness kits in addition to the custom U CAN-CER VIVE gift, making it even more special for the child receiving it on Valentine’s Day this year.
About The Shirt
As a 12 year-old undergoing chemotherapy, Amanda Hope herself envisioned and designed a shirt, now known as Comfycozy’s for Chemo, that would give all children a sense of dignity and control while undergoing treatment. The adaptive apparel line has zippers, buttons, snaps, pockets, and openings to allow nurses to access the child’s port while allowing them to remain covered.
“It made accessing her central line much easier, and reduced her anxiety around it too. She liked showing the phlebotomist the zippers and how it worked. She also received many compliments from hospital staff. Thank you to who sponsored her as well as we appreciate it so much!”
– Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels Comfycozy’s for Chemo Recipient