Thank you for supporting U Can-Cer Vive benefiting the Angels of Hope. You’ve helped us get that much closer to our goal of raising $250,000 to support such an amazing cause.
We’d appreciate it greatly if you could help us spread the word to your friends and family by sharing our event on your favorite social networks.
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U Can-Cer Vive
Here are some tweets you can share to help spread the word about the U Can-Cer Vive. You can modify these tweets to share on Google+ and LinkedIn by replacing @UCan_CerVive & @angelsofhope_mi with U Can-Cer Vive and Angels of Hope.
- Cancer has no budget. Support @UCan_CerVive & @angelsofhope_mi as they raise money for children battling cancer – (click to tweet)
- Support local Michigan families fighting caner with @UCan_CerVive & @angelsofhope_mi – (click to tweet)
- See how @UCan_CerVive & @angelsofhope_mi are raising money to support local Michigan families fighting cancer – (click to tweet)
- Click to share on Google+ (feel free to include one of the messages above)
- Click to share on LinkedIn (feel free to include one of the messages above)
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Help us spread the word about U Can-Cer Vive benefiting Angels of Hope by sharing our Save the Date via email, text message or posting to your favorite social networks.